Video Training for Overview: Treatment Register Tab
Audio Extract for Overview: Treatment Register Tab
Transcript and Screenshots for Overview: Treatment Register Tab
In this training, I will give you an overview of the Treatment Register tab in Managenable® risk template software.
The Treatment Register tab is available from the Home tab, under the Remediation section.
In the Treatment Register tab, you can record information related to the treatment, or addressing, of risks.
A risk Treatment refers to the selection and implementation of appropriate actions for dealing with a risk.
In this risk management tool, risk Treatment, is fully compatible with the approach of ISO31000 Risk Management Standard.
In the Options tab, under the Modules Management section, you can choose to show or hide the Treatment module.
Also, the Treatment Register tab is paired with the Treatment Parameters tab for the customization of drop-down lists, and for their color coding.
In the Treatment Register tab, the validity status of each record, and the overall register, is available in the leftmost column.
The Treatment Register tab is an extension of the Risk Register tab.
Therefore, the first few columns of the Treatment Register tab are information extracted from the Risk Register tab.
Those columns are greyed, because any input or change in these columns can only occur in the Risk Register tab.
The column Use Info in this Tab enables you, for each Risk ID, to choose if you want to use, or not to use, the features available in this Treatment Register tab.
The section Treatment Custom Lists is where you select an item in each Treatment Custom List which is activated.
For more information on the Options tab, on the Treatment Parameters tab, on Validity Status in Registers, on the column Use of Info in this Tab, and on the Use of Custom Lists, please refer to the relevant training.
The section Treatment Overview is where you record an overview of the risk Treatment.
The column Treatment Option is available for selecting the overall approach among the 7 commonly accepted options for treating a risk: avoiding the risk, removing the risk source, changing the likelihood, changing the consequence, sharing the risk, taking the risk, or retaining the risk.
The columns Actual Treatment, and Rationale for Selecting the Treatment are where you outline the actual treatment, with a brief rationale on why such a treatment is selected.
The columns People Accountable for Approving, and People Responsible for Implementing enable you to record, separately, who is accountable for approving the treatment, and who is in charge of implementing it.
The section Treatment Requirements is where you record what is required to implement the risk treatment.
The column Treatment Priority enables you to select 1 of the 5 treatment priorities for a risk treatment, from a top to a negligible priority.
The other columns, Resources Needed, Performance Measures, Reporting and Monitoring, as well as Target Completion Date, are available for recording useful information about the actual implementation of the risk treatment.
The section Treatment Progress is where you record the latest known progress made for the risk treatment.
The column Current Status enables you to select 1 of 5 possible situations for the risk treatment: no issues or concern, under review, some concerns, important issues, and, critical issues.
The columns, Key Progress Made, Outline of the Next Milestone, and Date of Next Milestone, are available for recording the update related to the implementation of the risk treatment.
The section Treatment Review is where you record key information related to the regular follow-up of the risk treatment: the date of last review, the reviewer’s name, the frequency of review, and, the date for the next review.
Finally, the section Treatment Notes, is where you type any comments you may want to add.
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