Video Training for Overview: Structure Register Tab
Audio Extract for Overview: Structure Register Tab
Transcript and Screenshots for Overview: Structure Register Tab
In this training, I will give you an overview of the Structure Register tab in Managenable® risk template software.
In the Home tab, the link towards the Structure Register tab is available under the Structure section.
The Structure Register tab contains information related to the structures at risk.
These are the structures which own the objectives at risk, or where those objectives apply.
Here, the word Structure is understood in its most generic way, such as, anything composed of organized, or interrelated elements.
Therefore, a structure can be understood as a legal entity, or as a subpart of the organization, and can be a department, a team, a program, a project, etc.
In the Structure Register tab, the validity of all records in this tab is available on the leftmost column.
For more information on the Validity Status in Register tabs, please refer to the relevant training.
The column Structure Name is where you enter the name of all the Structures involved throughout the risk management tool.
Only unique names must be entered for the risk management application to function properly.
If you enter a Structure Name which already exists, the alert Dupli is displayed beside the duplicated items.
Also, you do not have to enter those Structure Names by alphabetical order.
Indeed, wherever else Structure names are used in a drop-down list, those names are automatically presented by alphabetical order.
For example, in the Objective Register tab, when we want to select the structure which owns the objective, or where the objective applies, the list of Structures to choose from is automatically sorted by alphabetical order.
And there is an even more interesting feature.
If you change any Structure Name, this change is automatically reflected in all relevant records in all tabs.
For example, let’s say that a Structure Name is already selected in the Objective Register tab.
If you decide to change this Structure Name to correct a spelling mistake, or to replace it altogether, you simply do it in the Structure Register tab.
Then, throughout the risk application, in all tabs, and for all records where you previously selected this Structure Name, those records are automatically updated with the new name.
You do not have to reselect the name in any data tab.
This great feature tremendously speeds-up any update you may need to apply, and this dramatically improves data integrity in the risk workbook.
The column Outline is where you enter the outline, or short description, of the Structure within the organization.
The column Owner is where you select the Owner, or People accountable for the Structure.
The list of People is automatically picked up from the People Register tab.
For more information on the People Register tab, please refer to the relevant training.
The following columns are where you select Custom Lists items.
Custom Lists are an important feature of this risk management tool.
For more information on Custom Lists, please refer to the relevant training.
The column Date Reviewed is where you type the date when you last reviewed each and every record.
The last column, Notes, is where you may keep some notes.
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