Video Training for Sample File: Random 123
Transcript and Screenshots for Sample File: Random 123
In this training, I will briefly explain what the sample file Random 123 is about.
The purpose of the Random 123 risk workbook is to help you explore the features of the risk management tool, and understand how tabs are interrelated.
This file is filled-up at 50% capacity in Registers and Customs Lists tabs.
All data used is random, yet structured.
There are 3 rules for the structure used in the name of each item.
The 1st rule is that the number used in an item is the same number as the ID in the tab where the item was created.
The 2nd rule is that the column and the tab where the item was created are mentioned.
The 3rd rule is that if an item does not mention a Column and a Tab, that means the item was, most likely, albeit not always, created in a Parameters tab.
For example, let’s give a look at the column Risk Statement.
“Risk Statement 0003 in Risk Register” means that the item was created for the 3rd ID in the column Risk Statement of the Risk Register tab.
Obviously, when the risk management tool is used in real life, you would not write such a risk statement.
Instead, you would write something like “Risk of flooding in the basement due to heavy rain”.
As another example, let’s give a look at the column Risk Owner.
“People Name 014 in People Register” means that the item was created for the ID 14 in the column People Name of the People Register tab.
Please note that the ID of that item in the source tab is available in the greyed column beside the item.
The same approach is used for all data tabs throughout the risk workbook.
This way, you can quickly grasp cross-relationships between tabs.
This is also useful for exploring the feature Data Filters in relevant tabs.
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