Video Training for Overview: Custom Lists Tabs
Audio Extract for Overview: Custom Lists Tabs
Transcript and Screenshots for Overview: Custom Lists Tabs
In this training, I will give you an overview of Custom Lists tabs in Managenable® risk template software.
This overview is applicable to all Custom Lists tabs.
Custom Lists tabs are an important feature of this risk management tool.
As per their name, these tabs are used to create and store custom lists.
The items of these custom lists are then selected in Register tabs…
…and can also be used in Data Filters when preparing datasets for tabs Preset Report, Charts, and, Risk Matrix.
Therefore, you can use custom lists to qualify, or precise, any record in the matching register, hence giving you an enhanced ability to select or group those records.
For more information on tabs Registers, Preset Report, Risk Matrix, Charts, and on how Data Filters are used, please refer to the relevant training.
There are 5 Custom Lists in Custom Lists tabs for Risk, Objective, Structure, and People.
And, there are 3 Custom Lists in Custom Lists tabs for Treatment, Control, KRI, and Interaction.
Custom Lists are very simple to use, and yet, they are a powerful feature for your risk management practice.
As an example, let’s give a look at the Risk Custom Lists tab.
For each Custom List, there is a Title…
… as well as columns for the list of Items…
…and for some Notes, if needed.
When no Title is entered for a Custom List, this Custom List is deemed Not Activated, and Type a Title to Activate the List is displayed.
When a Title is entered for a Custom List, this Custom List is deemed Activated.
You can have all, none, and any combination of, Custom Lists activated and not-activated. It only depends on your needs.
And when a Custom List is not-activated, it is hidden in the matching Register tab, where items cannot be selected.
For example, if we do not enter any Title in Risk Custom List 1, this list will be deemed not-activated, and will be hidden in the Risk Register tab.
All other Custom Lists have a Title in the Risk Custom Lists tab, and therefore are shown in the Risk Register tab.
This means that in the Risk Register tab, you only have to select an item for the Custom Lists which are activated.
When a Custom List is activated, it is shown in the matching Register tab, where items can be selected.
It must be noted that Custom Lists which are not-activated, are simply hidden, and any items which were previously selected in the matching Register are kept for later use, if needed.
When you enter some text in the column Items to Appear in the List, the risk application automatically checks if this item already exists in the list.
If the item you entered is valid, the validity status shows a green V-shaped symbol.
If the item you entered is not valid because it already exists in the list, the risk application automatically highlights the items causing trouble, by displaying a Dupli error message, and the validity status shows a red X-shaped symbol.
In all custom lists, you can enter items in any order you want.
You can even skip some rows between items.
There is absolutely no requirement on how to enter those items.
However, in the Register tab where the lists are used, the items are always automatically presented by alphabetical order in the drop-down list, with only the non-blank items being included.
Therefore, selecting items in the Register tab is very easy, regardless how you prepared the original list in the Custom Lists tab.
And there is another great feature.
If you change any item in a Custom List, this change will be automatically reflected in all relevant records in the Register tab.
For example, if, in the Risk Custom List 2, the item Operations Risk is changed to Operational Risk…
… then, in the Register tab, all records which previously had Operations Risk selected, are automatically updated with the value Operational Risk.
This great feature tremendously speeds-up any update you may need to apply, and this dramatically improves data integrity in the risk workbook.
In the Status tab, the status of all Custom Lists is displayed, as activated, or not activated.
Also, the overall validity status of the list is displayed as, valid, or invalid.
Any error must be corrected for this risk management application to function properly.
For more information on the Status tab, please refer to the relevant training.
In summary, Custom Lists tabs are a powerful feature, with lists of items which are very simple to manage, and that you can use very easily in Register tabs to enhance your risk management practice.
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